L'Assemblea Generale del Gran Baliato di Sicilia, tenutasi lo scorso 26 marzo, ha approvato, tra gli altri documenti, la relazione 2023 dell’Ospedaliere, relativa alle attività caratitive, culturali ed assistenziali svolte lo scorso anno.
Qui di seguito la sintesi di tutti gli interventi operati.
Il Report viene pubblicato solo in lingua inglese.
The General Assembly of the Grand Bailiwick of Sicily, held last March 26, approved, among other documents, the Hospitaller's Report 2023 on the charitable, cultural and welfare activities carried out last year.
Below is a summary of all the actions taken.
The Report is published only in English.
The memorandum of understanding for the implementation of the "Solidarity Healthcare" project is shared between the "San Lazzaro Onlus", a non-profit association of social utility, based in Monreale (PA), at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Via Palermo snc and the “Karol Healthcare Structures Group”.
The “San Lazzaro Onlus” association, the operational arm of the Grand Bailiwick of Sicily of the Military and Hospitaller Order of San Lazzaro di Gerusalemme, is non-profit and pursues exclusively social solidarity, humanitarian and charitable purposes.
As per the Statute, the association aims to promote initiatives, services, social and socio-health assistance activities towards all disadvantaged people due to physical, mental, economic, social and family conditions, as well as all those individuals who live in conditions of socio-economic-cultural hardship.
The association aims to promote social and cultural promotion activities, educational activities, welfare activities and any other type of humanitarian and charitable activity towards all those individuals who live in conditions of socio-economic-cultural disadvantage.
The association aims to develop, also through collaborations with other bodies or associations in Italy and abroad, initiatives aimed at promoting and developing principles of solidarity and democratic participation in social life and socio-cultural promotion.
The “Karol Healthcare Structures Group” brings together highly specialized healthcare facilities whose activities are inspired by the high-tested magisterium of Saint John Paul II and aim at the best humanization of all services and at welcoming people with respect and valorisation of the person, seen in his full individuality
Memorandum of understanding
The "San Lazzaro Onlus", a non-profit association of social utility and the "Karol Health Structures Group" stipulated on 16 June 2021, with the patronage of the Provincial Health Authority of Palermo, a memorandum of understanding aimed at the free provision of services healthcare for disadvantaged social groups and, in particular, for people who do not have healthcare.
These services are provided with the full integration of the Brother Members of the "San Lazzaro Onlus" and the Health Facilities of the "Karol Health Strutture Group".
In May 2022, a new memorandum of understanding was signed which sees Samo Onlus added to the San Lazzaro Onlus and the Karol Group.
The “Samo Onlus”, a non-profit social utility association accredited by the SSR, contributes to the free provision of home healthcare services to people who do not have healthcare provided by the NHS. These home services were provided, with the full integration of the Brother Members of the "San Lazzaro Onlus", the "Karol Health Structures Group" and the Samo Onlus in two locations: the Cosentino Clinic and the Triolo Zancla Nursing Homes.
For the purposes of identifying the recipients of the services, CARITAS is also used, in its various diocesan branches, according to terms and methods agreed between the parties.
In particular, Samo Onlus provides, in agreement and synergy with San Lazzaro Onlus and Karol, the following healthcare services: home care for patients suffering from neoplastic pathologies who can no longer benefit from active treatments and for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. ALS) or other types of definitive chronic pathologies in the palliative/terminal phase. These services are in addition to the specialist visits and instrumental tests already covered by the original protocol.
The health activities covered by the memorandum of understanding are carried out weekly, usually on Saturdays, and are provided at the aforementioned facilities of the Karol Group and Samo, with the collaboration and presence of the Professional Members of the "San Lazzaro Onlus" and the volunteers of Caritas .
Since three years have now passed, we wanted to illustrate the path undertaken and the objectives achieved.
To make the recorded data clearer, graphs and tables have been drawn up and are represented below.
Below are some tables that represent the value of the services provided absolutely free of charge, to give an account of the charitable activity and assistance provided.
The values recorded in euros refer to:
The evaluation of costs was carried out by applying the following criteria:
The project represents the achievement of an important objective in terms of healthcare for socially, economically and, often, psychologically weak people. But it also represents a starting point for the achievement of more challenging goals which can be achieved thanks to the enthusiasm of all the members of the Grand Bailiwick and their firm determination to be a concrete help to their less fortunate brothers, in harmony with the principles and the charism that inspires the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.